FAME Church has three areas of ministry for women of the church and the community.
Sarah Allen Sisterhood
Women’s Missionary Society
FAME South Women’s Ministry (Only located at the South Campus)
Sarah Allen Sisterhood (SAS)
A Women’s Ministry of First AME — understands that God is a God of purpose and all of creation was formed for God’s purpose. SAS is named after the Founding Mother and wife of Bishop Richard Allen, Founder of the AME church.
SAS was established to provide opportunities for women and girls of First AME & the community to:
Build up the body of Christ among the women of FAME so we can know Christ and make him known
Serve God with other women with our heart, mind and soul as we reach out to women from all backgrounds
Discover our God-given purpose through fellowship, service projects, education, workshops, classes, conferences, book discussion groups, etc.
Strengthen relationships between women and with God
More deeply comprehend the relevance of the Word of God to meaningful human relationships
Release the anointing of God so that burdens are lifted and yokes are destroyed
Mary F. Handy Women’s Missionary Society (WMS)
As women called to discipleship to grow in knowledge and experience of God through Jesus Christ, committed to support the mission of the church, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are challenged to help one another engage in ministry and action, and grow and respond in faith to God’s redemptive plan for the church, the society and the world.
To accomplish our purpose, the organization shall:
Coordinate and unify the work of our mission structure, by establishing and supporting organizations and units to carry out God’s mission in the church, the society and the world.
Building an intergenerational community of caring women among all levels of the WMS and other women’s organizations that can work collaboratively, ecumenically, and globally on peace, justice, and human rights issues.
Providing training and education that develop and inspire responsible and visionary leadership that is motivated to witness or advocate for the global mission community; and advocate for peace, justice, and human rights for women, children, elderly and families.
Provide for flexible structures, so that groups may determine the structure and programs most appropriate and workable in their church.
Develop and distribute written, printed, and electronic resources and periodicals and maintain and archival database and repository and information for the organization.
Develop networks for communication within the organization and among women ecumenically and globally.
Develop and maintain a comprehensive financial support system for the organization and administration of financial resources necessary for the fulfillment of the responsibilities and mission of the organization.
FAME South Women’s Ministry
A Women’s Ministry of First AME — understands that God is a God of purpose and all of creation was formed for God’s purpose.
FAME South Women's Ministry was established to provide opportunities for women and girls of First AME & the community to:
Build up the body of Christ among the women of FAME so we can know Christ and make him known
Serve God with other women with our heart, mind and soul as we reach out to women from all backgrounds
Discover our God-given purpose through fellowship, service projects, education, workshops, classes, conferences, book discussion groups, etc.
Strengthen relationships between women and with God
More deeply comprehend the relevance of the Word of God to meaningful human relationships
Release the anointing of God so that burdens are lifted and yokes are destroyed
Located only at the South Campus